Saturday, 6 February 2010

Show love everyday.

So Valentines Day is coming up! But I've never really liked it that much. Yeah, its a great excuse to do something with the person you love and spoil them and show them how much you love them. But I honestly think you shouldn't have one day of the year when you're meant to show your love. You should show everyday.

In the way you look at them, the way you will do anything for them (anytime of the year! ;]), the way you tell them how amazing they are, the way you 'show them off' to others and the way you take every opportunity to TELL them you love them and make them feel special. So, Valentines day is coming and I hope you all have a great day, no matter what your status.

As for me, this year my escort will be Christ. He will look after me on this day while my love is away, serving Him :)

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